Mastering Linux and Git-GitHub commands is essential for any DevOps engineer. This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of the most crucial commands. Let's dive in! 🌊
Linux Commands 🐧
File and Directory Management 📂
ls: List directory contents (See everything!)
ls -l: Detailed listing
ls -a: Show all files, including hidden ones
cd: Change directory
cd /path/to/directory: Navigate to a specific location.
cd ..: Move up one level (⬆️)
cd ../..: Move up two level (⬆️)
mkdir: Create a new directory ()
- mkdir new_directory: Make a new directory named 'new_directory'
rm: Remove files or directories
rm filename: Delete a file.
- rm -r directory: Remove a directory and its contents (Be careful!).
pwd: Print your current working directory (Where am I? )
vi <file_name>: for editing content in a file
File Permissions and Ownership 🔒
chmod: Change file permissions
chmod 755 filename: Set permissions for owner, group, and others.
chown: Change file ownership
- chown user:group filename: Change owner and group of the file.
Process Management 🖥️
ps: Display running processes
ps aux: Detailed view of all processes
top: Monitor processes in real-time
kill: Terminate a process
kill -9 PID: Forcefully terminate a process by its ID
Text Manipulation (🪄)
awk: Powerful text processing tool from space separated files
grep: Search for patterns in text
find: Locate files based on criteria
comm: Compare two sorted files (⚖️)
sort: Sort lines of text
Input/Output 📤📥
echo: Print text to the console
read: Read input from the user
- read -p "Prompt: " : Read with a prompt (⌨️)
User and group Management 👥
user add -m <new_user>: adding new user accounts, (-m) this flag tells useradd to create a home directory for the new user.
passwd <new_user> : to set password for new user
sudo usermod -aG <group_name> <user> : to add a user into a group with sudo command
sudo gpasswd -M <user_1> <user_2> <user_3> <group_name> : to add multiple user into a group
Git Commands
Repository Management 📁
git init: Initialise a new Git repository
git clone: Clone an existing repository from github to local
- git clone Clone from GitHub
Branching and Merging 🌿
git branch: List, create, or delete branches
- git branch new-branch: Create a new branch named 'new-branch'
git checkout: Switch branches or restore files
git checkout new-branch: Switch to 'new-branch'
git checkout -b new-branch: Create and switch to 'new-branch'
git merge: Combine branches
git checkout main (Switch to main branch)
git merge new-branch: Merge 'new-branch' into 'main'
Committing Changes 💾
git add: Add files to the staging area
git add .: Add all changes in the current directory.
git add filename: Add a specific file.
git commit: Record changes with a message
- git commit -m "Commit message": Commit with a descriptive message.
Viewing Changes 👀
git status: See the current state of your working directory
git log --oneline: Show a history of commits
git diff: View changes between commits
Collaboration 🤝
git pull: Download changes from a remote repository
git push: Upload your changes to a remote repository
git remote add origin url: Add a remote repository
Advanced Git (✨)
git config --global Set your Git username
git config --global Set your Git email
git stash: Temporarily store uncommitted changes (⏱️)
git squash: Combine multiple commits into one (♻️)
git cherry-pick: Select and apply specific commits from
This cheat sheet is your go-to guide for mastering Linux and Git-GitHub commands. Whether you're managing files, editing permissions, or collaborating on code, these commands will streamline your workflow and boost your productivity.
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Happy Learning!✨
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